Back to Effective Campus & Community Relationships Students I have collaborated with the following students:
Global Vision Week: Shane Cullen, Alicia Watson, Hannah Brownell, & Jeanie Cho
Justice Week: Kelly Worchester, Hannah Brownell & Mikael Taylor
Office of World Missions: Rebecca Pratt, Melanie Dosen, Lauren Brems, Ryan Hernandez, Andrew Rowland, Kristen Johnson, Caitlyn Wyncoop, Leslie Hernandez, Jena Jones, Michael Munoz, & Danica Northend
For Classes: Tiffany Montgomery, Melody Porter, & Jamari Robinson
Bangladesh Relief Effort: Jillie Ryan, Summer Maunakea, Russel Anwar, Ashley Jones, Loren Colson, Jimmy Barger, Natalie Hardister, Mandy Oswald, Haera Manoukian, Katie Shelton, & Corey Taylor
Dance for the Nations: Moses
Price of Sugar Movie Screening: Ashely Morris & Leigh Hammerstein
H.I.S. Years/Mentoring: Kaitlyn Phillips & Christa Bixby