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About Me


 Top of the Empire State Building

Full Name:

     Erin Nicole Lind


     Masters of Education in College Student Affairs

     Azusa Pacific University

     May 2009


     Bachelors of Science in Child and Adolescent Development

     California State University, Fullerton

     May 2004

Bangladesh Summer 2008 for Bangladesh Relief Effort


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Input: Have a craving to know more and often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.

Achiever: Have a great deal of stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy and productive.

Developer: Recognize and cultivate the potential in others. They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these improvements.

Belief: Have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life.

Connectedness: Have faith in links between all things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.

University of Oregon


     Students: I have been working with high school and college students since my Sophmore year of college. No matter where my path has taken me, and it has taken me many places, I find myself in intentional relationship with students. One of my supervisors told me that I have been granted a special gift, the gift of students sharing their hearts with me - and oh the things students have told me over the years! I am blessed to have this gift! I accept the responsibility that comes along with this gift and my prayer is that I will always remember what an honor it is to be part of other people's journeys.



     Missions: How do I explain this passion? It is something deep down inside of me that screams to love others so they may see a glimpse of who God is in my life. I have been participating in short-term mission trips since I was a little girl, but something clicked for the first time when I was teaching English in Thailand over the summer of 2003. I truly cannot explain this desire that burns within me to relieve oppression so others may be free to worship God. Missions is not just something I do when I get on an airplane and fly half-way around the globe; it is truly something that I attempt to live on a daily basis, whether in my own home, at work, or as I interact with students.



     Photography: I love to take photographs! As I have been blessed to travel the world to explore God's creation and meet many people, I cannot help but attempt to capture it all on film to share with others. When I need to relax I often find myself pulling out a photo album, watching my screensaver on my computer, or gazing at the many photographs that line my apartment walls.



Fun Facts About Me:

I love to learn!

When I was a kid my dad would take me to the Monster Truck races and the tractor pull at Anaheim Stadium almost every year and I loved it! I want to go again at some point, but I am pretty sure it won’t be as cool as I remember it being!

For about six years of my life I was part of a song and dance company. I took tap, jazz, ballet, and singing lessons. At Christmas time I could be found at an Orange County mall in a red sweater (with my name embroidered on the front), a white turtleneck, white (just past the knees) skirt, and white jazz shoes singing cheesy Christmas songs that we had been practicing since August. Or you could find me at Knott’s Berry Farm in “little house on the prairie” clothes lighting the Christmas tree on a nightly basis.

By some miracle I am starting to enjoy Thai food; however, white rice is still not on my list of favorites.

When I need to think I usually grab a cup of coffee and go for a long drive.

I like to go country line dancing.

I like to go running, but not in the morning.

I am famous in a small rural village in Thailand for falling off a porch into a pile of mud. I didn’t know that this clumsy act was remembered by an entire village until a couple of weeks ago when a friend told me the story continued to be told long after my departure. Great!

I hope to be a published author at some point in my life.

I am definitely not a girly girl! I don’t mind living in the middle of nowhere with no electricity or running water. I am much more comfortable in jeans and my rainbow sandals than in a dress and heels. I rarely wear make-up and the extent of me doing my hair is blow-drying it in the morning.

I absolutely love water! I love houseboating, wakeboarding, going to the beach, boogie boarding, swimming, and sitting and reflecting anywhere near a body of water. I also am super passionate about promoting awareness about, raising funds for, and providing relief for those that do not have access to clean drinking water globally.

I hope to one day own and run my own coffee shop that sells only Fair Trade products.

I love capturing powerful and precious moments on film.

I am really bad at packing! I usually bring way too much and only use a 1/3rd of what I brought. For example, when I lived in Thailand for 3 months I came home with over half of my clothes unworn….seriously I try to plan for everything.

When I am by myself, I sing a lot and I think I could be the next American Idol! (ok probably not….I would be the one the judges laugh at!)

I keep random mementos of things I do and places I go. I have scrapbooks and bulletin boards full of fun little keepsakes. I also keep cards and notes about all sorts of random things.

I have contacts but I rarely wear them because for some reason I think I look “smarter” when I wear my glasses. Maybe this is just the excuse that I have made up for myself since I have been wearing glasses since I was in first grade.

My eyes change color with my moods. Blue when I am happy and grey when I am upset. Sort of cool, but at the same time it stinks because I can’t hide how I feel about some things.

I absolutely love the rain! I love the sound of it falling, I love how the world looks when it rains, and I absolutely love the smell of asphalt after it rains.


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