Legal and Ethical Issues
Graduates should possess a broad understanding of the legal foundations and constraints, which affect College Student Affairs practice.
Specifically, students should possess...
An understanding of the federal and state regulatory environments in which institutions of higher education operate
An understanding of the major constitutional issues involved in college student affairs administration
An understanding of the basic liability and contractual issues involved in college student affairs practice
As part of the Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education course I had the opportunity to attend the Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference in Burlington, Vermont for an optional assignment. The conference took place over a three-day period and included key note speakers, numerous sessions on various topics, and opportunities to network with Student Affairs professionals from across the nation. I was able to take numerous pieces of knowledge away from this conference, but the sessions that impacted my learning the most were a main session on the 2008 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, a session on Stalking Behavior in College Students, and a session on Honor Codes.
Caitlyn, Katie, Me, Meghan & Yvania (cohort members) at the Legal Conference in Vermont
Institutional Review Board Application
As part of the qualitative research course, Today’s College Students a classmate and I needed to complete an Institutional Review Board Application for an expedited review to conduct research on students at Azusa Pacific University. The IRB process included a multiple page application, a Conflict of Interest Form, and the creation of an Informed Consent document. All three of these forms needed to be reviewed and signed by our professor and the Chair of the Department. The documents were then filed with the Institutional Review Board for approval of the qualitative study.
IRB Application Informed Consent Program Approval Letter
Annotated Webliography
As part of the Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education course I created an Annotated Webliography. The Webliography includes the name of the website, the website address, and a brief description of the type of organization that is providing the content and the information that can be found on the website. The Annotated Webliography includes websites that provide information and/or resources in the following areas: Liability and Risk Management, Federal Regulations, The College and the Constitution, Student Discipline and Alcohol Issues on Campus, Personnel and Employment Issues, Legal Issues Related to Students and Employees with Disabilities, Sexual Harassment, Information Technology, Copyright and Intellectual Property, and Crisis Management.