Budgeting and Fiscal Management
Graduates should possess an understanding of and appreciation for the dynamics involved in utilizing financial resources in the implementation of student affairs programs and services.
Specifically students should be able to...
- Develop and defend a budget to support a student affairs program
- Perform all of the functions necessary to access and manage those resources which have been dedicated to a student affairs program
As part of my assistantship in the Office of World Missions I manage the budget for the Global Relief program and various events I coordinate. The following are two examples of budgets I have created and managed:
Global Relief
The first year I oversaw Global Relief, the program did not have a formal budget. One of my first tasks during my second year overseeing the program was creating a feasible operating budget for the program. The budget I proposed was adjusted (by my supervisor) and approved. The budget has been a guiding factor in giving me freedom to approve or deny proposals of collaboration that connect with our mission, based on cost.
Global Fest
This is the budget I created and managed for Global Fest, a large scale program, I coordinated. The total amount to be spent was determined by the Global Vision Week Committee and I was given the freedom to budget the funds as I saw best for a successful program.
Strategic Financial Plan
As part of the Administration in Higher Education course I was I had the opportunity to create a Strategic Financial Plan for Azusa Pacific University. I worked in a group with three other classmates to interview strategic administrators, create a three-tiered plan for the University as the economic crisis continues, create a job that would assist the university in implementing this plan, and interweaving the four organizational frames (political, human resource, symbolic, and structural) into the financial plan.
Fundraising for relief efforts is part of the mission of Global Relief and therefore, it is part of my assistantship. Within each semester-long education and fundraising campaign there have been multiple fundraising events. The following are two relief efforts I organized:
Bangladesh Relief Effort
Within the Bangladesh Relief Effort there were several fundraising opportunities:
Change Collection in Student Life Offices: Several of the Student Life offices had 5 gallon water bottles sitting on their front desks to collect change to donate to the Bangladesh Relief Effort.
Penny Battle in Two Residence Halls: A partnership with Residence Life was established and in a two-week period over $600 were raised in spare change during a Penny Battle in two residence halls.
Advertising for the Penny Battle in Adams Hall
Student Involvement: Two female students on campus took the relief effort upon themselves and made solidarity bracelets then knocked on doors within the living communities to raise awareness and ask for donations. These two girls also would spend time in one of the main areas of campus blending smoothies and talking to students about their desire to make a difference for those affected by the cyclone in Bangladesh. In their efforts they raised over $1,000 (enough to build two homes).
Students fundraising for the Bangladesh Relief Effort
1:6 Initiative
Within the 1:6 Initiative there were several fundraising opportunities:
Water Bottles in Student Life Offices: Almost all the Student Life Offices have a set of 7 water bottles on display on their front desks. Six of the seven are designed to represent the 1:6 ration of access to clean water; therefore, one of the bottles is filled with “dirty” water and the others are clean. The seventh bottle is in place to collect change
"Water Kit" that sat on the front desk of Student Life Offices
Night of Stars: A Residence Life living community raised $155 in 1 hour by hosting a black tie event and asking students to donate $5 to provide clean water for individuals globally.
Jen & I at the Night of Stars Event
Gospel Sing: The 1:6 Initiative was chosen, by a student committee, to be a recipient of a “love offering” ($700) taken at Gospel sing, a large scale event hosted by the Multi-Ethnic Programs Office.
International Chapel: The International Chapel Small Groups are participating in a competition with one another to see who can raise the most money for the 1:6 Initiative.
Rez Life 5K: The 1:6 Initiative was chosen, by a student committee, to be a recipient of the proceeds of the annual Residence Life 5K. The Initiative recieved a $1,600 check on the day of the event.
Holding the check for the money raised at the Rez Life 5K