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Assessment and Evaluation


Graduates should be able to evaluate both the processes and desired outcomes of student affairs programs and services.

Specifically, students should possess the skills necessary to...

      • Gather and analyze quantitative and qualitative data from students and programs
      • Read with understanding the published research on higher education
      • Conduct and write a program evaluation report

 Quantitative Program Evaluation

     As part of the Quantitative Analysis in College Student Affairs course, myself and a classmate conducted a program evaluation of the Focus International Missions Training Program at Azusa Pacific University. Focus International is the program at the university that sends out short-term missions teams. Every spring semester, all short-term mission trip participants (students, staff, and faculty) take part in multiple training programs, events, and meetings. Our objective was to evaluate the extent to which the training programming was preparing participants for their experiences abroad by doing quantitative analysis on participants self-reports on competence of the established program learning outcomes. The program evaluation indicated that the mission trip participants had significant growth in three of the four learning outcomes for the program; however, the mission trip leaders did not show significant growth in any of the learning outcomes. A suggestion was made to the Focus International staff that a separate set of learning outcomes should be created for the team leaders. Since the findings were presented to the Office of World Missions staff, changes in the programming for leaders have been implemented to assist in thier continued development and preparation for their leadership postion.

Program Evaluation

Short-term mission trip participants at the training retreat


Qualitative Study

     As part of qualitative analysis course, Today's College Students, myself and a classmate conducted a study on the H.I.S. (Hearing Investing Serving) Years participants. The H.I.S. Years program is designed to train and equip students to spend a minimum of 2 years aboard serving in un-reached and least-reached people group areas upon their graduation from Azusa Pacific University. The objective of the study was to discover the motives of the students preparing to depart, their perceived preparedness for the field, their desired outcomes and expectations for their time abroad, and their plans for their life after they return from their service.

Qualitative Study


Program & Event Final Reports

     As part of my assistantship in the Office of World Missions I am required to create final reports on the initiatives, programs and events that I coordinate. The following are two examples of final reports I have completed:

     Bangladesh Relief Effort Final Report

          This is a report I completed as a summary of the semester-long, campus-wide campaign I coordinated. The report includes information about all the offices the relief effort collaborated with, the various programs and events that benefited the relief effort, on-field time I spent in Bangladesh overseeing the construction of the homes in Bangladesh, and qualitative feedback about participants’ involvement.

Bangladesh Relief Effort Final Report

The plaque that hangs on all 10 house that were built as part of the Bangladesh Relief Effort


     Global Fest Final Report

          This is a report I completed as a summary of Global Fest, a large scale program, I coordinated. The report includes information about participants, the budget, suggestions for future events of this nature, and descriptions of what happened over the course of the event.

Global Fest Final Report


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